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About Us

"It is impossible to be on earth and avoid awakening   Everything that happens within you and around you calls your heart to awaken."



John O`Donohue, Irish writer

Nella Skuban


Nella has been intensively involved in bodywork for over 20 years. After 3 years of theater training, which focused primarily on physical expression and presence, she completed a circus school and then toured the globe as an artist for over 10 years.


Over the years, yoga became increasingly important to Nella and eventually became her new vocation. Trained at Yogaworks in Los Angeles, her style is characterized by Iyengar Yoga, as well as influences from other styles (Ashtanga, Yin), but above all by her own many years of experience in bodywork.


In addition to her own daily yoga practice, she regularly trains with her teachers Chad Hamrin and Annie Carpenter in the USA.



Ralph Skuban


Ralph managed a facility for dementia patients for 25 years. While working, he studied political science in Munich and completed a doctorate on European social policy.


His intense encounters with old age and illness, the decaying spirit and death of the human being led him to the mysticism of the East, in particular to the philosophy and breath work of yoga, as well as to modern breathing therapy approaches. He has published a whole series of books on these topics, which are now part of the standard literature of many yoga training courses.


Ralph also conducts therapeutic Buteyko breathing training sessions. In combination with his expertise in yogic breathing practice, this creates a pool of experience which in turn flows into the breathwork in the context of the training courses.


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